Jonathan Schoening


BA Dip Arch ARB

Jonathan joined Eric Parry Architects in March 2011 as Projects Architect and was instrumental in the post planning design and implementation of the award winning No.8 St James’s Square, a 10,000sqm office development situated adjacent to a listed private residence by Edwin Lutyens. The project comprises of finely crafted self-supporting brick and stone facades in the heart of the St James’s Conservation Area. Practical completion was achieved in March 2015.

Recently, he has been working through stages D & E on 1-3 Grosvenor Square, a super-prime residential development in London’s Mayfair as ‘Guardians of the Façade’ including reassembling a historic masonry façade. Current projects also include a planning application for a medium scale new-build office building with ground floor retail units on Electric Avenue, Brixton.

Jonathan Schoening
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